Wednesday, March 31, 2010

How to Train Your Dragon

Last Saturday, the family loaded up and went to the movies. This really is an amazing feat since you never know how Deren will act...or act up (hehehe).

We went to see "How to Train Your Dragon". It was wonderful! It is available in 2D and 3D. We opted NOT to see it in 3D since I get a headache about an hour into any 3D flick. Pretty sure it's the glasses. The movie has something for everyone. It's a good story. And it's not all neat and tidy, tied in a bow, either. Deren never took his eyes off the screen. When Toothless (the night fury) makes his first appearance, Deren said, "kitty". So funny. He even clapped at the end.

We recommend this one for the whole family...even if you decide not to take the kids!

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