Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Summer Update

How is your summer going? Ours is HOT, HOT, HOT! Record-setting temps here...incredible!

Devin is still enjoying her trips to the library and the pool. However, she has begun the countdown to the start of the new school year. I think she's ready to go back.

Deren is growing like a weed. He is seriously on the move now. He crawls everywhere - over, under, around. He's also started trying to do somersaults. I tried to tell him he's too small for that. I figure he'll be pulling up and trying to walk in no time. His new word this week is DADA. Originally, he was scheduled to have ear tubes put in on August 1st. The surgery has been rescheduled for Friday, September 12. Please keep him in your thoughts.

Eric is enjoying watching golf and baseball. He's also been catching up on his reading.

Me? I've been working like a mad woman. It's been crazy-busy at the hospital. On a positive note, all the running around I do at the hospital has paid off. I have lost over 20 pounds since March. (ccf)

1 comment:

Megan said...

That is great about the weight loss! I bet the kids have grown up so much over the summer.

We'll be praying for Deren and his tubes in his ears. Poor little guy.

I hope Devin's first day of third grade is great!